Here are the testimonials of our customers who trusted us for a long time or recently. In any cases, we are truly grateful to you not only for using our services but also because of your appreciation and your faith in us. We are happy to have you as customers and we wish to see you again very soon!

I just wanted to thank you for your excellent work. Your team was super efficient, professional and our roof and flashing are the best on the block!
You have another happy and devoted customer.
We will be very happy to promote you far and wide.
Carole (Outremont)

Hi Teresa,
Thank you som uch for the exceptional service that you as well as your company have provided to myself and my family over the years. Every time I have dealt with you guys, you never seize to amaze me, everything from your professionalism to your reassuring words and kindness over the pgone. I had been worried about this roff for a while now and I laughed with my spouse saying: "see, angels do come in all forms and sizes, today in the form of roofers". That very morning we had been just speaking about the roof and then the door bell rang.
I will send out payment immediately and I await the originals in the mail. Thanks again for the inspection letter, it will definitely help in bringing peace of mind to myself and the eventual buyers.
Hope to do business with you guys from years to come and rest assured good words have and will continue to be spread concerning yourself and Augusto Moniz Roofing.
Tony (Montreal)